Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankfulness Abounds

The Thankfulness continues at our house! We've added onto our lists and will continue until the first day of Advent. I might just keep going until the end of the year. I'll just cut out some Christmas shapes. There can never be too much Thankfulness!

I love Yankee Candles!

Psalm 95:2
Let us come before Him with Thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song.

A little more of our Thankfulness lists!

Mermaid, Devin, Ace, Apples, Santa, Grammy, Grumpy, lambs, markers, rocks and waffles

Pie Pie
Food, Redbox, Pants, My Friends, Pokemon movies, Mommy, Olivia, Megan and Miss Pam

Lighthouse Co-op, soft pretzels, Birthdays, God's Grace, homeschool, sleep, friends, Co-op Moms, cameras, the Bible, Ema and God's Sacrifice for us all

I know there is a little something called The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on Thanksgiving that you may have heard of. We had a smaller version at our house recently.

The Webkinz Parade!

Pie Pie led the parade and Pants brought up the rear as Drummer Pants! Pie Pie got a lot of exercise leading the parade back and forth through the house! I've heard that there is a possibility of another parade coming to our house soon!

However you and your family choose to celebrate Thankgiving this year I hope you have a great time!
Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!

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