Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Carrot Cake

by Pie Pie Edgar
Fluffy the rabbit finds out her friend Kacy is moving. Fluffy plans a going away party at her house. Fluffy gets ready right away. She puts up the streamers and goes out to get the carrot cake she ordered.
When she got home she called her friend Tomatoes.
"Hey, I am planning a party for Kacy and I need you to get the balloons," asked Fluffy.
"Sure, I will be right over," he said.
"Ok. Bye," said Fluffy.
Fluffy went to the fridge while holding the cake.Then she put the cake on top of the fridge so she could get the Kool-Aid. Next Tomatoes came with the balloons.
"Where is the cake?" asked Tomatoes.
"On the table," said Fluffy.
Tomatoes looked. "Where?" he asked.
"It was there," she said.
"Well it is not," he said.
Fluffy looked. "Oh no! It's gone!" she said.
"Told you," he said.
"We must find it!" Fluffy said.
They looked and looked. Finally Tomatoes found it.
"Yay!" they shouted.
Then Kacy comes.
"Surprise!" Fluffy and Tomatoes yell.
Then they ate the yummy cake.

1 comment:

  1. That story was great. I was laughing so hard when I got to the character call tomatoes. Great job pie pie. Poppop
